Laneway Festival

2016 saw Laneway Festival prove itself once again to be one of the most celebrated music events in the country. With more tickets sold than ever before, Laneway punters were treated to a huge selection of artists across all genres – the dreamy tones of Beach House and DIIV made for a transcendental experience whilst FIDLAR, Violent Soho and DMA’s hammered home the guitar contingent. Flume debuted his new material including special guest appearances from MC Vince Staples and Kai, and Grimes turned electro-pop on its head with her energetic dancer-infused sundowner set. What started as a series of weekly shows at a tiny Melbourne bar has bloomed into one of Australia’s most beloved festival institutions. Across a decade of expansion that has seen the St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival become an international signifier of essential music, the event continues to showcase its original set of values: championing community, fostering collaboration, encouraging self-expression, and finding ongoing excuses to have fun.

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